Wednesday, 22 June 2011


G'morning is the technical term, so g'morning it is! I swear I actually suffer from insomnia to a certain extent. I've been in bed for aaages and I just can't seem to get any sleep hence why I'm posting something. I actually don't get my body and brain because I thought the lack of sleep was due to having my phone with me but even if I didn't have my phone I'd still be bluddy awake, looks like I need to get to a doctor or something to sort me out and tell me wtf is wrong with me hah. This isn't going to be a proper post because it's awkward tryna post something from my phone ha. Thank the lord for autosave as this just closed and if it didn't save I wouldn't be writing another one. My phone is playing up so I'mma just go ahead and leave. I was reading through my old posts and wow I say some quotable shizz sometimes, surprising myself haha. Can't space out my text cause it doesn't fully "support"my phone, so niiigghhhtt : Even though I'll still be awake. It's weird soooo weird not going to school, I could really get used to this lifestyle hehe ;) Peace! ox

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