So it's 23:38 pm and I'm bored enough to write a new post. Erm, not much has been going on, just "revising" for exam. Looking back now I wish I'd tried with my lessons because (not being cocky) I'd have got all A*s no joke, ahaha. Ahh well, the past is the past. Just working a bit to get my good grades now.
Had THE most bullshxt exam on Monday, Edexcel are horse guys, putting goddamn dodgy arse questions in the paper. However, apparently the grade boundaries have been moved down, so hopefully I've got the grade I want. Another Maths paper tomorrow, they better not try and weird stuff like they did last time, else, I'd be royall PISSED. Grr. I've done some revision for it. Went to Kiana's for revision. Spent like 2/3 hours actually revising and the remaining 2/3 hours were spent on Youtube, watchin funny videos and trying to learn the words to Chris Brown's Look At Me Now, keeeen times!
Urm, looking forward to summer, I'm away for like SIX weeks, not sure how to feel about that. It better be goood :D I'm actually not joking, by the time we get back to school in September, I think I may be brain dead by then, no school for like THREE MONTHS! Crazy shxt, haha!
Decided to take on life with a less serious approach because.. I'm AWESOME, I don't need to be all serious for peeps to realise that. Can't believe I just said peeps, hahah, what a goon. LOL jk, I'm still great. Yeah, I know 'arrogant much?' hardly, if you don't love yourself, how do you expect people to love you? Which brings me on to my next point, I've realised I've actually got a big ego ahaha. However, it's not one that gets in the way of who I am and the respect I give to people. If you give me respect you get respect in return, right?
Urrmm, started using Twitter properly, getting the hang of it and I actually find myself using hashtags on Facebook ahah, it probably annoys everyone but hey, I just don't give a fuuuhh. Twitter is so good, wish I'd been using it much longer; the weird bit though is the randomers following me, but hey no biggie. Looking at this post, I've actually written a fair bit without actually saying much, weird aha. Looking forward to next week Friday, exams are over and I'm chilling with my dons! Actually buzzing for it, no joke. Now I'm randomly in a weird mood, casually just ruining people's statuses because it's funny, haha.
In a really happy mood, hope it carries on till tomorrow! It better :'
I wish more people had a blog instead of Tumblr. I refuse to jump on the bandwagon with that one, just going to stick to good ol' Blogger, it's been good to me, aha.

'We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets'
So it's 23:38 pm and I'm bored enough to write a new post. Erm, not much has been going on, just "revising" for exam. Looking back now I wish I'd tried with my lessons because (not being cocky) I'd have got all A*s no joke, ahaha. Ahh well, the past is the past. Just working a bit to get my good grades now.
Had THE most bullshxt exam on Monday, Edexcel are horse guys, putting goddamn dodgy arse questions in the paper. However, apparently the grade boundaries have been moved down, so hopefully I've got the grade I want. Another Maths paper tomorrow, they better not try and weird stuff like they did last time, else, I'd be royall PISSED. Grr. I've done some revision for it. Went to Kiana's for revision. Spent like 2/3 hours actually revising and the remaining 2/3 hours were spent on Youtube, watchin funny videos and trying to learn the words to Chris Brown's Look At Me Now, keeeen times!
Urm, looking forward to summer, I'm away for like SIX weeks, not sure how to feel about that. It better be goood :D I'm actually not joking, by the time we get back to school in September, I think I may be brain dead by then, no school for like THREE MONTHS! Crazy shxt, haha!
Decided to take on life with a less serious approach because.. I'm AWESOME, I don't need to be all serious for peeps to realise that. Can't believe I just said peeps, hahah, what a goon. LOL jk, I'm still great. Yeah, I know 'arrogant much?' hardly, if you don't love yourself, how do you expect people to love you? Which brings me on to my next point, I've realised I've actually got a big ego ahaha. However, it's not one that gets in the way of who I am and the respect I give to people. If you give me respect you get respect in return, right?
Urrmm, started using Twitter properly, getting the hang of it and I actually find myself using hashtags on Facebook ahah, it probably annoys everyone but hey, I just don't give a fuuuhh. Twitter is so good, wish I'd been using it much longer; the weird bit though is the randomers following me, but hey no biggie. Looking at this post, I've actually written a fair bit without actually saying much, weird aha. Looking forward to next week Friday, exams are over and I'm chilling with my dons! Actually buzzing for it, no joke. Now I'm randomly in a weird mood, casually just ruining people's statuses because it's funny, haha.
In a really happy mood, hope it carries on till tomorrow! It better :'
I wish more people had a blog instead of Tumblr. I refuse to jump on the bandwagon with that one, just going to stick to good ol' Blogger, it's been good to me, aha.
'We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets'
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