i havent written in a while
lifes been pretty good :)
gonna do a catch up so im gonna do each day,
i went Essex and ahh what a lovely place :DD
i saw the weirdest thing ever! a roundabout with five roundabouts
its soo weird yet soo cool
ny brothers soo lucky hes moving there
he lives like right near a theme park, 24hr asda ;), leisure world, roller world, tenpin... lucky mofo! :)
and then we went to eat in burger king, their chips are THE best :D
their burger are nice aswell :)
when i got home i was properr tired so i went straight to bed :)
ahhh sunday was bleeding great!
had soo much fun and i get enough of that damn mix CD!
oh, and Torae you are legend :D (cant wait for sat (;)
Abdallah thanks :))
football later was alright, just listening to my music
then when i got home spent my night thinking :))
now i know what i need to do and how im gonna get it done :)
hmm, this day was an absolute waste except from lunch
spanish was funnny, when she tripped over HA!
ahhh lunch was hilarious!
Lauren you are one helluva girl LMFAOO :P
Tamara walking around - 'ive got jizz in my mouth' +0(
not v. nice lmaoo
walking home was interesting lol
forgot to give zaenab the charger for habeebs phone
my stupid self ;')
ahhh today was great
in maths they were all telling racist jokes
i would put one on here but theyre QUITE offensive :)
and then miss was threating bradley lmaoo
lunch was stupidly boring, and that annoyed me loaddss :@
basketball today was liveee :D
we had to play against some year 11s and we beat them
34 - 8
but it was a good game, cuz they were WAY better than i anticipated
i was expecting them to be hands down shit but well played to them
when they were leaving i was like 'well played' to them and the
looks some of them gave me :O rudeeee!
now im sitting here downloading music and talking to some people
but i am so bored i could smash my head against the wall
although that would be stupid cuz ive got a bad headache :)
anyways good night :DDD

'The difference between physical attraction and love is the ability to see the same person at their best and at their worst and still desire them without one false step.'
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