I don't have much doing right now. It is 22:15 and I have just managed to complete my English hw. I feel like such a kid when I have to say I have homework to do - thanks sixthform.
In other news, last week of this academic year and I am actually ecstatic at the fact that I do not have to deal with sixthform for the next six weeks. Apart from when I'm tearing my hair out the week before results day, lawl. There are a number of things I'm looking forward to be honest:
- I can finally have time to get my driving licence, that shall be done as soon as I get some money. I intend on doing an intensive in order to get my licence ASAP. Plus, I've got a sick deal I need to capitalise on, lawl, 20 hours for £360 - bargain! Oh and for the simplest reason, I will have my own hwhip. Yes, hwhip.
- The fact that I don't have to deal with people I have no care for. This may seem rude but it's the truth. Not particularly keen on the fact that I have to deal with them but hey, I guess that's life. In the future I'm going to have to deal with people that I don't like but can't do anything about it, better start getting used to it. Well, I'll start getting used to it after my six week break from them. To say I dislike people in school would be an exaggeration tbh, I don't care enough to dislike them - they're just them. I always say it, but it's true, the indifference I feel towards a lot of people is real. Ha.
- I'm going to try out for the East Midlands basketball team, which starts this Saturday. Hopefully I get in. It would actually be THE best thing, like ever, if I get in. I would be somewhat surprised though, I can't lie, as I have been out of basketball for some time and I'm only just getting back into it.The issue though, is that it's in LEICESTER :| Getting there and back for five weeks in a row will be a mission and a hald, I swear. But still, it's EAST MIDLANDS! Wish me luck!
I don't think I have much more I'm looking forward to tbh u'know. There's the obvious which is the fact that Ramadan starts soon, it's gonna be so much easier because there's no school so I can just chill all day err'day, lawl. (And pray of course). Haha. Oh and Eid, I can't forget Eid!
Mum and Dad are around now, haven't seen them since last year I think (December). It feels weird having them around but in a good way because I've missed them loads, getting a bit moist, lol. It's surprising when you get something you've subconsciously been needing/wanting, as it's a great feeling when a hole you never realised was there becomes whole again. BIG UP MOISTURISER GANG.
I think that's it. OOOHH WAIT. Going to mention the Junior Ambassador thing we've been running with school. It's basically a pageant for year eights and it's actually pretty sick. Anyways, it's tomorrow and if you're reading this and you live in Northampton, you should come. It's at 6, tickets are £3 (with a drink) and yeah, it's gon' be a siiiiccckkk night. I'm in a surprisingly good mood. Oh, I've just thought about the dress I bought earlier, I'm actually excited to wear it. Don't know what I'm going to wear it with though, it's black and maxi - tough, hmm. But all the same, it's nice! I got it from New Look's sale, it was a baaaaargain and a half!
"The further you go, the more you have to be proud of. At the same time, in order
to come a long way, you have to be behind to begin with. In the end, though,
maybe it's not how you reach a place that matters. Just that you get there at